Autodesk. Case study
Autodesk is the brand behind the 21st Century design revolution. From amazing new mobile tech and self-driving vehicles. To engineering projects of breathtaking scale and complexity. To new sustainable manufacturing. To the astonishing advances in computer gaming, film and animation. Across all these industries, Autodesk's products are making it all possible.
The Challenge: Autodesk needed to improve brand recognition. Years of tactical, product-focused advertising aimed at key verticals, had generated awareness of Autodesk's products. But not necessarily the brand behind them. Resulting in little inherent equity in the Autodesk name. So And Autodesk’s mastery of a wide range of verticals was little known. And new products had to introduce themselves from scratch.
The Solution: We aimed to develop and evangelize a new Brand Platform for Autodesk - to build awareness and brand loyalty and the capacity to cross-sell solutions. Moving the perception of Autodesk from “supplier” to “thought leader” in its sector. We also aimed to introduce new campaigns for each key vertical. Which would work together and ladder up to become proof points of the new “Accelerating Better Design” Brand Platform.
Autodesk University
Challenge: How do you theme an annual Autodesk conference?
Solution: I developed four compelling options that would align to the new “Accelerating Better Design” brand platform. “The Power of the Possible” was the favorite:
Challenge: How do you demonstrate Autodesk has more 3D design knowledge than its competitors?
Solution: Our “Breadth & Depth” campaign gave a fast overview of the breadth of Autodesk’s knowledge. While the accompanying microsite showed just how deep that knowledge went across multiple sectors.
Challenge: Complex construction projects often come in late and overbudget. Leading to reputational loss - and loss of business. Show how Autodesk products can help.
Solution: Illustrate how the process feels to those implementing it. By turning the ads into animated puzzles. With multiple moving pieces constantly shifting, assembling and reassembling. Coupled with headlines that target the biggest real-world problems designers in these industries face.
Challenge: How do you prove your product is as good as you say?
Solution: You help potential users experience it for themselves - wherever they are. This iPad app helps them do that.
“Accelerating Better Design” brand video
Challenge: How do you transform Autodesk into the go-to brand for designers in diverse industries by enhancing its recognition and solidifying its reputation?
Solution: Our “Accelerating Better Design” campaign shifted the perception from “supplier” to thought leader in design. And redefined the role of designers in society as elite world shapers. This YouTube video was a key part of the campaign. It was massively popular with its target audience. Getting 600,000 views – a vast number for a B2B brand.
Strong sales and subscription growth across multiple industries.
Growth in awareness of the Autodesk brand and ithe depth and breadth of its capabilities.
Major recognition, awareness and sharing of the Brand video in its B2C target. Leading to 600,000 views.
A near doubling in Autodesk’s share price over the 18 month period of our campaigns.
Core Creative Team
Tim Guy, Creative Director/Designer. Mike Kerr, Associate Creative Director/Writer
Joel Frank, Designer. John Gordon, Designer.