MYCOVIA pharmaceuticals. VT1161.
Pitch for an upcoming treatment for RVVC. Now approved by the FDA as IVJOA™
Challenge: Show a next-generation biopharma firm how you’d pitch a new drug for the treatment of recurring yeast infections.
Solution: The “We Get It” campaign.
300 million women worldwide get recurring yeast infections. Over and over again. So doctors need to get the need for a new approach. And move over to VT1161.
(Pitch win for W20/Real Chemistry).
Scamps? What happened to the ads? You know those freelance gigs where you mean to ask for copies but never get round to it - because you’re immediately jumping onto the next three pitches? This is one of those. But I liked what we came up with - so here are the scamps. Complete with my scrawls on the work in progress. (CW: Mike Kerr. AD: Luana Sanson)