Great creatives don’t just create. They’re also able to build strategic platforms for brands.. And offer strategic suggestions on how to boost revenue streams and increase customer engagement. Here’s one award-winning example:
Facebook is a dominant social platform. With millions of users engaging with each other and their favorite brands every day. But how do you find new ways to monetize all those users? And how do you do it without breaking the unique Facebook user experience?
If we just offered brands new ways to message at customers - it would be a fail. Because social media like Facebook is primarily about interaction and engagement. So we needed to find ways to bring brands into dialogue with customers or users into dialogue with each other.
Facebook’s Social Graph offers unmatched insights into how people interact and engage with others. As well as the sorts of engagement each person prefers. So we use that Social Graph to imagine new types of engagement. Ones that work with, rather than against, the social, collaborative nature of Facebook. And enhance rather than subtract from the Facebook experience. Allowing advertisers to connect with their audience in fruitful new ways. These broke into three groups:
2. mobilize
3. talk to brand
This suite of ideas - conceived with Art Director John Gordon - got a Facebook Award for Innovative Marketing Solutions. It was one of a number of digital strategy projects I worked on at AKQA.